A quick render just to show some ribbons and case placement. This first design has the meter-board mounted directly to the back of the faceplate with rods. The LEDs sit flush to the front of the faceplate in a rectangle hole with about 0.1 of a mm around them.
Note: I've put the headers facing in opposite directions so the ribbon runs top-top, bottom-bottom without having to be crossed over, which is needed if the headers are facing the same way above and below one another. The latter would probably be the most efficient way, shortest ribbon routes and all that, but I haven't figured out how to have them cross over in CAD yet. Also, the ribbon routes from the meter/fader combos run front-to-back so it might be better having the logic-board that way round after all... jeez so much to consider.
The next design, coming up coming in, will have the meter-board mounted with rods to its own bespoke faceplate, which will mount onto a bigger aperture in the main faceplate. This way the meter-board can be lifted out separately from the front of the case like the crossfader unit [also on its way, i'm using a Panasonic EWAP1, dunno what yours are]. This might be the best bet for the meter/fader combo units too.

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