Monday, 22 December 2014

LED Disco Wall! [2m x 2m, RGB]

  • 256 RGB LEDs.
  • 256 ping pong balls.
  • 100m of .65mm wire.
  • Eight 1m x 1m hardboard panels.
  • 32m of 2by1 wood.
  • 15-20A Power-supply. [PSU from a PC].
  • Matt black paint.

Arguments For and Against Double-resolution:

  • Less man hours - all LEDs come pre-wired and don't need soldering together, drastically reducing the time it takes to make a board.
  • Picture quality - hi-res allows crazy picture quality or 4 lines of text.
  • Number of LEDs - double resolution means quadrupling the LEDs. 256 per board, 1024 in total. This brings the cost to between £360 and £600 for LEDs alone!
  • Power drain - 1024 LEDs require 60A or more to run full brightness, therefore needing 4 separate 15A power-supplies and 4 plug-sockets.
  • Voltage drop - the LEDs start to change colour by the end of a 64-string. By the end of a 256-string, the last ones will probably just be red and require a lot of extra power-jump wires.
  • Data stream - software allows only X amount of LEDs and would require overhaul.
  • Overwhelming audience - 1024 LEDs will be too bright for a 2m x 2m square, coupled with a hi-res animation may just be too much for a disco-wall. The idea is to provide anamorphic disco lights, not a giant video screen; we have a projector for that.
Problems and Solutions:


The Boards:

I took 1 metre by 1 metre hardboard flooring panels and painted one face of each matt black. The back was then framed with a strip of 2by1 boxwood, though a second strip will be necessary later on to give enough depth for the LEDs and wires. The painted face of the panels were then measured up for the LEDs. The four 1m-square boards make up a larger square, so the most accurate way to measure and plot the dots was to have all four boards arranged together. Due to the arrangement, each set of 64 LEDs cannot be central to the board as this leaves an equal border around the outside of each board, which in turn makes the gap between the centre LEDs twice what it should be. The square of LEDs should be central across all 4 boards together, making the border around the inner two edges of each board a third of the border around the outside, shown in the diagram below.

I did go ahead and double the depth of the wooden frame and added more hardboard panels to the back of each board 

Making the wires and prepping the LEDs:

This was by far the longest and most arduous task of the project, over half of the total time spent. The LEDs come in a long string like Xmas lights, but can only be spaced about 6cm apart. This would double the resolution and use up all our LEDs on one metre-square board, so the 3 wires in between each one needed lengthening.

First, the 256 LEDs had to be cut from the 50-long strings, including the final 6 annoyingly, but at least we have 44 spares. We then stripped the ends of the 3 wires to each side of the LEDs while they were still joined, then separated the six wires, twisted their ends and tinned them, ** in total.
756 wire extensions were also needed. We cut these from a 100m spool of .65mm wire, which cost £10. Over 1500 wire-ends were then stripped, twisted and tinned individually, which was an incredible amount of extra work. Pre-tinned jumper wires were cheap, but just too skinny to do the job. Suitable ones were prohibitively expensive. I would love to say this was worth all the hassle, but I can't really say that for extending a wire that, if it was the right length to begin with, would have removed 75% of the project work. 

Assembling the Boards:

  • After pushing the LEDs into the boards, the only thing left was to solder them all together, 1,512 solder points in total. Thanks to the wire-ends being tinned already, this didn't actually take very long at all. The board worked, but we noticed the LEDs were fading toward the end of the string and it became far worse with two boards, so daisy-chaining power along the boards is out and we have to give each board its own power, but at least the PC PSU we are using can do this. With 8 rows of 8, the start and end points of the string are in the top and bottom right of each board respectively, so to spread the power we just ran a length of twin-core down the right side of the board connecting the now redundant power-out wires back to the power-in socket. This removed the fading problem.
  • The focus was now on insulating the solder-points. Heat-shrink would be ideal obviously, but we dismissed it as too much added cost and effort so, rather than resort to tape we tried hot-glue and found it worked extremely well. It was quite messy and not the fastest technique, but cost about £3, looks a tad professional and provides a very solid insulation for the wires that shouldn't fail over time.
  • The data I/O sockets are also in the right-hand top and bottom corners and, unlike the power wires, the boards connect in series so two need relocating to avoid having long data wires dangling about. We connected the boards in a clockwise order from the top left, so data from the first board exits in it's bottom right corner. The next board is the top right, but data enters at it's top right corner, so this socket needed relocating down to the bottom left corner, adjacent to the output of the first board. The third board in the series is the bottom right one, so data is coming in at the top right corner and nicely meets the output at the bottom right of the second board, but the data output needed relocating to the top left of the third board to meet the input on the fourth board, again at the top right. The last board needs no data output as it takes a serial signal and just goes to earth, but the socket still remains in case we expand the board later. The data I/O arrangement is explained much better in the diagram below.
  • Finally, the LEDs need diffusing somehow as they are too small and bright to give a clear image on their own. The ideal thing is ping pong balls and we went for white semi-translucent ones, rather than the normal opaque brittle ones. This meant the balls were made of a softer plastic than usual and wouldn't have holes drilled in them, they just bent so instead required some ingenuity and a hot bolt to melt the holes, which I detail in this post.

The Arduino and Control Software:

The LEDs are all set up, but require a serial signal to tell them what to do so you will need something to interface them with the computer. We used an Arduino, which is perfect. It's a kind of programmable microchip and can be easily flashed with the right code to run a huge board of LEDs. It plugs in to the computer by USB and then hard wires to a socket that goes to the data-input of the first board so we will mount it inside there eventually and the whole thing can just plug in by USB. All you need to know about Arduino is here - .
I don't know much about the software and control, my department is the physical workage, but I can say the software we are using is called Glediator. It's some sort of freeware Java runtime and works on both PC and Mac, but (amazingly) we recommend PC for this as the Mac version is quite latent and the PC one isn't for some reason. You can download the Glediator runtime here -.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

Utterly toxic OS X 10.9.3 and .4 Mavericks update - 2 dead Macbook Pros!

Man, I've never known Apple drop the ball so much as this! I was running Mavericks 10.9.2 absolutely fine on a 2008 Penrhyn model Macbook Pro. 10.9.3 comes along and within 2 weeks the Macbook is totally dead! It started crashing [kernel panics whatever they are] and finally ended up not even turning on, just a low fan noise for 10 seconds then it switches off.

Rather than shell out to fix a 6 year old Macbook, I decided to have done and buy something future-proof, as a mates Mac Pro 1.1 has suffered the same death as my 2008 MBP. I splashed out on a 2011 'Sandy Beach' series unibody 2.0ghz i7. This was eating through 10.9.3 and running perfectly, until 10.9.4 came along that is...

Immediately after updating to 10.9.4 I noticed that iPhoto would crash the machine when it detected my iPhone being plugged in. iPhoto works fine with no iPhone connected and with iPhoto closed, the iPhone interacts with iTunes and charges. Inevitably, I plugged the iPhone in again while iPhoto was running. The screen turned to a purple pattern and needed a forced reset. After that it won't boot at all, just loads the initial Apple-logo, spinning-wheel and chime, but then just hangs on a blank grey screen.

I have started 2 threads about this on the Apple Community forum, but so far all poeple can come up with is the predictable "get hold of the original install disk that came with your Mac" type answers, sigh, so I may be better off reposting to MacTech or MacMod.

As I see thousands of people are having the same Mac-killing issues with Mavericks, even up into the Retina models, I can safely assume this is the same fault that has killed both my Macbooks, even if the symptoms differ slightly. 2 unrelated hardware fails in 5 weeks? Coincidence I think not!

Course of action 2011 i7 Sandy Beach:

Apple-logo / spinning-wheel / chime load, but then just goes to grey screen.
Safe-mode loads the progress bar, but then goes to the same grey-screen.
Recovery-partition does not work, just goes to a solid blue-screen.
Booting from a Snow Leopard dual-layer install DVD does not work, just grey-screen.
Booting from a Lion single-layer install DVD does not work, just grey-screen.
Clearing the PRAM / VRAM, even 3 times at once, does not have any effect.
Resetting SMC has no effect.
I have tried both sticks of RAM, independently, in both slots. This has no effect.
I swapped in a HDD from a 2008 MBP running Mavs 10.9.3. This gives the same grey-screen, though this HDD is from an MBP that also stopped working under Mavs and may be corrupted.

The only step left to take is to try a new store-bought blank HDD and see if that will boot from an OS X install DVD.

If that doesn't work, I have read that a failed HDD-cable can cause this problem - even at £16 I think this is not worth trying.

It may be worth trying to remove the battery and force a complete reset of the hardware.

If the HDD or cable is not the fault then I assume it is the graphics-card that has somehow malfunctioned under Mavs and it will need to go into the Apple store, nightmare. They will only say it needs a new logic-board, integrated graphics and all that jazz, so it may just be worth biting the bullet and just replacing the LB myself. Wish someone could say this would fix it for sure!


Course of action 2008 Core2Duo Penrhyn:

Macbook hard crashing all the time, then taking 3 or 4 attempts to reboot into OS X.
Clearing PRAM / VRAM got the thing booted, but had no effect after that.
Safe-mode worked, but had no effect on the symptoms.
Recovery-partition worked, I reinstalled OS X over the top and this had no effect.
It stopped booting completely after this, the only way to get it booted was to either drop the battery out while it was running, or pull the HDD cable off the logic-board while it was running.
I backed up using Disk Utility in recovery, then erased the entire System partition and reinstalled a fresh OS X Mavs, this worked until the following day when the same symptoms returned.
I booted using a Lion install DVD [single-layer] and erased the entire HDD of all volumes and created a new one. Lion booted and restarted ok, so I assumed the problem to be Mavericks. Sadly, later the same day, the crashes and reboot problems returned. 
2 days later the Macbook will not even power up, just a low fan noise and then it shuts down.
No method of hard-reset or power-supply will revive it.

Blimey, over £1000 worth of used Macbook Pros up in smoke!

Monday, 26 May 2014

Interesting Silk Cut Packets... that I have.

Silk Cut have just done some more limited edition pack-designs, so I thought I would stick them up with some old ones I really need to throw away.

'Sparking Conversation Since 1964"
Sparking Originality
Chequered Swirl Design 

"Sparking Conversation Since 1964"
Sparking Originality
Deco Stripe Design

Diamond Cut, Director's Cut, Power Cut, Precision Cut, Short Cut
Slash Cut Lid Design

Falling Leaves

Summer Heat, Summer Walks

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Monday, 7 April 2014

Best Oversprays 2011 - 2014

5 Star Valet
Craig Plevin - 2013
All Square
Ian Pilling - 2014
Corona With Lime
James H Baldwin - 2012
Honda NSR500
James H Baldwin - 2013
Machine Gun Banjo
James H Baldwin - 2012
My House
Anthony Edge - 2014
Pie Wheel
T. K. Smith - 2012
Nathan Roberts - 2013
U Spanner
Jack Pilling - 2012
Time Sink (Bracket)
Anthony Edge - 2014
Ur Anus
Nathan Roberts - 2014
Silver Ball
Ian Pilling - 2014
Coffee Cup
Nathan Roberts - 2014
Sliced Tomato
Ian (Valeter) - 2014
Peter Anglesey - 2014
Anthony Edge - 2014
Rose Bush
Karl Hulme - 2014
Cantaloupe Island
James H Baldwin - 2014
Wry Smile
James H Baldwin - 2014
Sun, Moon and Stars
Nathan Roberts - 2014
Buck Teeth
M. Entwhistle - 2014
Anon - 2014
Arranged by Philip Jones
Shit Happens
K. Hulme - 2014
L. Pickles - 2014
Cone of Chips
A. Edge - 2014
J.H Baldwin - 2014
Beehive Spume
N. Roberts - 2014
Hour Thirty-Two
Scott Furey - 2014